Wear a ProChoice Black Hard Hat to support workplace mental health
In support of World Mental Health Week, 9-15 October 2016, and World Mental Health Day every year on October 10, ProChoice has once again teamed up with the Black Dog Institute to produce a limited edition Black Hard Hat.
As well as bringing important attention on sites to mental health awareness, $2 from every Black Hard Hat sold will be donated to the Black Dog Institute to assist in their mental health research and education.
Mental illness is suffered by one in six Australian workers, with each case of depression costing employers an estimated $8,025 annually.
As the leading cause of sickness, absence and long term work incapacity, mental illness is estimated to cost the Australian workplace $12 billion each year, including over $200 million of workers compensation claims.
However research shows that the majority of mental illness seen in the workforce is treatable, and possibly even preventable.
The Black Dog Institute states that there are six key areas where attention should be focused to create mentally healthy workplaces.
They are: smarter work design, improved work cultures, building resilience, early intervention, support recovery and increased awareness.
The Institute also cites the top factors that need to be addressed to achieve a mentally healthy workforce:
- Demand and Control
- Opportunity and security
- Trauma
- Relationships with colleagues and managers
- Leadership training
- Organisational change
- Recognition and rewards
- Safety and environment
- Stigma
- Work/ life balance
The Return on Mental Health Investment:
Businesses that foster a mentally healthy workplace will see improved productivity, performance, creativity, existing staff retention and new staff attraction, according to research by the Black Dog Institute.
They found that mining and manufacturing will benefit the most from mental health programs, where the return on investment (ROI) is a 580% and 350% respectively. ROI in the construction industry was found to be 250%.
Organisations are encouraged to move beyond a risk management approach to a focus on mental health and wellbeing which is described as “a lever to improve organisational performance”.
About Black Dog:
The Black Dog Institute hosts the Workplace Mental Health Research Program in partnership with the NSW Department of Health and the University of NSW.
They offer prevention-focused skills-based workshops which are delivered by experienced clinical facilitators and address issues at individual, team and organisation levels.
Their programs are built on helping organisations develop five key areas.
- Understanding mental health
- Getting help, providing support
- Organisational resilience
- Mental health and change
- Personal resilience
To begin the journey towards a mentally healthier workplace, ensure you and your workers are wearing Black Hard Hats this Mental Health Week. Click here to get involved!